​Get to know us... SFB Therapy and Coaching
Dina and Mark are registered marriage and family therapists, CAMFT approved supervisors, and university lecturers combining nearly 40 years of experience in SFB therapy and training. Both are well known and popular speakers who provide a variety of courses, training, workshops and consultations. Their reputation as marriage and family therapists, supervisors, editors and trainers make them ideal for your next training event, educational class, or professional supervision. They provide specific training in Solution Focused Brief Therapy.
"Solution Focused Brief Therapy is based on over 40 years of theoretical development, clinical practice and impirical research." It is a strength based approach that focuses on hope for the desired future and doing what works. This approach is ideal for a wide variety of settings and applications such as therapy, personal coaching, corporate planning and community development.
The Centre's Committment
We are committed to providing the highest level of excellence and accountability in SFBT training and consultation.