Dina Bednar, M.A., RP, RMFT-S, CSFT
Dina Bednar lives a solution focused life! As a marriage and family therapist, approved supervisor, instructor at the University of Toronto and trainer she follows the basic tenets of SF in her work, training and personal life- if it's not broken, don't fix it; find out what is working and do more of it; and if it doesn't work do something different. Dina is energized by learning, teaching and being with clients and inspired by Ericksonian, family therapy and SFBT ideas.
She has presented workshops internationally including: Thinking Break and Feedback Essentials in SFT Work; Around the Kitchen Table: What would you say to Insoo Kim Berg and Steve DeShazer – Thanks and Evolution; What works in Single Session Therapy; Miracle Work in the Classroom; Miracle Work with Attitude; Who Drives the Bus in Single Session Therapy?; What Works in a Family Therapy Training Program? The difference that makes a difference.; School of Hope and What’s wrong with Suffering?
Students and workshop participants have called her a "fantastic facilitator", "best module I have ever taken", "she is phenomenal, what an inspiration","amazing", "Dina is an exceptional instructor", "great instructor, very clear and captivating", "great instructor. She's awesome."; "Dina provides the passion needed to inspire her students. She's very knowledgeable, very researched, and has innate teaching abilities."
She is recognized to be an exceptional instructor who "provides the passion needed to inspire her students. She's very knowledgeable, very researched, and has innate teaching abilities."